These fantastic Easter Egg Hunt Tips are guaranteed to help you host an EPIC hunt that everyone will be sure to enjoy!
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Ah the Easter egg hunt! When children, both young and old, run as fast as they can, in search of beautiful brightly colored eggs. With a basket in tow, they hurry from place to place sometimes squatting and sometimes on tiptoe to reach for another egg in hopes of a fun prize or treat.
If you have never organized an egg hunt before, it may seem a bit overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be! You can learn from my top Easter egg hunt tips so that you can throw an EGG-cellent egg hunt. It will be so memorable that your friends and family will want you to make it an annual affair! For a more detailed walkthrough, check out this post on how to plan an epic Easter Egg Hunt.
This post is full of valuable Easter egg hunt tips to help you throw a memorable hunt!
1. Purchase Quality Easter Eggs

First things first, do yourself a BIG favor by purchasing durable plastic eggs that won’t crack when you drop them. It may be a bit of an investment at first but if you plan on making this an annual event, buying the quality eggs will save you money in the long run.
Believe me, you won’t want to spend time carefully placing each individual egg. With 300+ eggs, that would take forever! You’ll place several in special hiding places but a vast majority you’ll want to throw across the lawn to save on time.
2. Fill in Advance of the Hunt
Don’t wait until the night before to fill those eggs! Schedule a time a week or two before the hunt so you can cross that task off of your list. Get the children involved and put on some music or pop in a movie while ya’ll work together.
3. Lead the Way with Sidewalk Chalk

Bust out the sidewalk chalk and get your kids involved in decorating for the hunt! Invite them to draw Easter eggs, bunny feet, and whatever else their imagination deems necessary to create a path to where the hunt begins. They will be so proud that they were able to lend a hand in the preparations.
4. Add Color and Bunnies

Recreate the look:
Depending on when Spring hits in your part of the country, the landscape can look a bit barren of color. You can quickly transform your space from drab to fab by planting a few flowers, adding some brightly colored pennant banners, and inserting a few Easter themed yard stakes of bunnies, eggs, and chicks.
5. Display your Painted Eggs

So you just spent several hours painting eggs with the kids only to place them back in the egg carton on the kitchen counter. Why not showoff the pretty eggs ya’ll dyed this year by displaying them at the Easter egg hunt! Put them in a clear apothecary jar or in an attractive basket for an added beautiful decorative piece.
6. Make a Grand Entrance to the Easter Egg Hunt

If your hunt is in the backyard or not clearly visible when guests arrive at the address listed, you may want to show the way by the help of a few signs and decor pieces. You definitely don’t want people walking through your house! Along with giving direction, it also helps kids young and old alike get excited for the hunt ahead!
7. Hide a Golden Egg or Two

Spice up the egg hunt with a few golden eggs! Fill the golden eggs with a golden ticket that the finder can then turn in for a special prize!
Grab the FREE golden egg tickets and printables over here.
8. Spread out the Ages

When hosting an Easter Egg Hunt with multiple age groups, be sure to send the youngest children out first. That way the littles aren’t rushed and have time to pick up an egg or two before the more advanced egg hunters are released. This saves you the need of creating a designated spot for smaller children.
Letting the children enter the hunt in “heats” or waves according to age is a great way to ensure that everyone gets a fair share of eggs. Without having to be “clever” by telling everyone that depending on their age, they can only pick up a specific colored egg. This method is just confusing for young children and frustrating for the older ones!
9. Don’t forget Pretty Easter Egg Hunt Printables

Printables can easily and quickly dress up any space and take your party to the next level. There are lots of lovely instant downloads for purchase on online. But if you do some searching, you may be able to score several Easter related printables for free, including our Easter bunny banner!
< Click here to download Easter Egg Hunt Welcome Sign >
Then head over to your downloads folder and you’ll find the file in a zip file. Simply double click to open it and then print your welcome sign.
10. Add a Potluck to the Egg Hunt

Traditional Easter Egg Hunts usually last for just a few minutes and then the activity is over. Instead of sending all your guests home so quickly, encourage them to share a meal with you. State on the invitations that you will be having a brunch/lunch/dessert/whatever potluck after the hunt and ask everyone to contribute.
We like to have our egg hunt in the mornings, so we host a pancake breakfast afterward. Our guests bring a variety of toppings and sides and we provide the pancakes, sausage and bacon, as well as the drinks.

Recreate the look:
11. Seating Arrangements

To make your life easier and to save on money by avoiding the need to rent chairs, ask your guests to bring blankets and folding chairs. This way you only have to worry about setting up a few tables for guests to use.
12. Create a Fun Easter themed Photo Booth

Recreate the look:
Encourage your friends and family to strike a pose by setting up a cute photo backdrop for everyone to capture a few memorable moments in front of! It’s a nice added touch that your guests will appreciate and remember.
13. Have a Golden Egg Prize Basket

Prize basket ideas:
There are only so many things you can fit into a small egg! Add an extra element of fun to the Easter egg hunt by having a prize basket filled with fun toys, coloring books, bunny ears, stuffed animals, stickers, etc. Hobby Lobby, Dollar Tree, and Target have some great options and if you are planning ahead, you may want to shop the after Easter sales for prizes for next year’s Easter egg hunt!
You can let everyone pick one prize from the basket or make it extra special reserving those prizes only for the golden egg finders.
Find the FREE printable golden egg prize basket tags here!
The word to the wise, be sure to store the basket away when the prizes have been handed out or little hands will find their way to more prizes.
14. Easter Eggs for Adults

Bring out the kid in the older group by giving all of the adults a special easter egg that has more specialty goodies inside. Maybe step it up a notch by filling an egg or two with a golden ticket to win a bigger piece of delectable chocolate.
15. Plan the Easter Egg Hunt Outfits

Your kids are cute, but they can be even cuter in the right attire. And if you have multiple children or a gathering of cousins, it’s fun to have matching or coordinating outfits.
16. Recycle the Easter Eggs

Purchasing Easter eggs, especially quality ones, year after year can become costly. So if you plan on making the Easter Egg Hunt an annual event, you may want to think about reusing the plastic eggs.
Simply let everyone know before the egg hunt begins to return the eggs, emptied and put back together, in the designated spot you have for them. A large cardboard box or garbage bin with a big plastic bag works great and a sign stating where to put them is helpful too.
You can grab the “Put Empty Easter Eggs Here” sign for FREE in this post.

Hope you enjoyed these Easter egg hunt tips for your upcoming event!
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