Ah, brotherly love. Tennessee is 9 weeks today! He weighs 12 lbs and loves to blow bubbles. Poor thing currently has a bit of a stuffed nose which keeps him and his mama up at night. But thankfully Boston is sleeping better thanks to the children’s primary songs which soothe him to sleep. Previously he would stay awake, not necessarily playing, until 10pm or even 12am, despite being put to bed at 8:30pm.
We had a fun Easter! My husband and sister surprised me with a riddle scavenger hunt that had a big basket full of goodies at the end (I found the receipt for the candy he had bought… gulp… it was $24! Oh boy!). One of the riddles took me to the mailbox to find the next clue.To prepare Boston for the Easter egg hunts ahead, I threw eggs in the yard and coached him in the most efficient way of collecting them (ie. do not leave your basket behind, etc.). He enjoyed gathering the eggs and as soon as his basket was full, he would signal for me to scatter them again. I felt confident that Boston would do well in his first hunt and he did! He dominated at our friend’s Easter egg hunt two Saturdays ago. I mean look at his determination!
He was on fire! It wasn’t until the end of the hunt that he discovered there was candy inside of the plastic balls and then we had a problem. I am not just talking about the sugar overload (rest assured we took a heavy parent tax) but his egg hunting skills had been perverted. Now he had to check each egg before heading for the next one. Despite some more practicing, that is exactly what he did at the big hunt last Saturday. He picked up one egg, opened it, and almost in a trance gave the sign for candy while saying it. I urged him to collect more but it was in vain. Even after showing him that there was candy in the other eggs, he would just reach for the treat and say “mmm… candy!” I am quite competitive when it comes to the candy which can be had at both Halloween and Easter, so this was a bit frustrating.
Yes, we have the screaming child. I used to think every kid goes through this phase, until I was told on several occasions, “no, your kid is really loud.” Oh the joys of parenthood! I pray for patience daily. (o:
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