Make this fun and easy turkey cheese ball this Thanksgiving! Your family and friends will be impressed and it’s so easy to put together that even the kids can help make it!
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Do you want to add a little something special to your thanksgiving feast this year? I have the perfect thing for you to make…

I’m not talking about the turkey that takes hours to bake that you are probably already planning on. But a turkey that takes just FIVE minutes to assemble and is so cute that you will have a hard time letting people eat him!
No seriously, you will. I did, anyways.
Impress your family and friends this Thanksgiving with this adorably tasty turkey cheese ball! I made it for a Thanksgiving Preschool Activity I hosted for my littles and it was a huge hit by the children and their parents.

Several of you fabulous readers reached out to ask for a step by step of how I constructed the little turkey cheese ball, so this post and the video below are for you!
How to Construct a Turkey Cheese Ball
First things first, you’ll want to gather all your ingredients. I bought a cheese ball from the store to save on time, but this would definitely work with a homemade cheese ball (be sure to let me know if you have a good recipe for one!).

Supplies Needed:
- cheeseball (turkey’s body)
- pretzel sticks (pin feathers)
- Whopper (head)
- Candy Corn (beak)
- Twizzlers (snood)
- small beef stick (neck)
- candy eyeballs
- preztels (wings)
- crackers
- an adhesive to stick everything together
A word on the adhesive, I tried the whole melting chocolate thing that many people suggest to act as an adhesive but it didn’t work well for me. What I found worked best was using the frosting I had whipped up from baking a batch of white chocolate pumpkin dream cookies (they are seriously delicious!). I applied the frosting while it was warm and it adhered PERFECTLY! The beak, eyes, snood, and head were not going anywhere!
You definitely don’t need to make a whole batch of cookies to make the turkey cheese ball! I made a smaller batch of the frosting that worked great. It was more than I needed but I was afraid of reducing it any more. So if you have another edible adhesive feel free to use that, this one just worked great for me!
Adhesive Frosting Ingredients:
- 1 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoon packed brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons milk
- 2/3 cup confectioners’ sugar
To make the frosting/adhesive, in a small saucepan combine the brown sugar and butter. Bring it to boil (it will heat up pretty fast so keep that in mind so you don’t burn it!), then cook over medium heat for (about 1 minute) until it is slightly thickened. Take it off the burner and let cool for 10 minutes. Add milk and mix until smooth. Then stir in the sugar. I let it cool but it was still warm when I applied it on the turkey cheese ball.
Okay, now that you have all the materials needed, let’s get started!
Feathers and Neck of your Turkey Cheese Ball
I start off by taking the pretzel sticks and sticking them into the cheeseball in a curve row like manner in the back. These are the turkey’s pin feathers. Then take two regular pretzels and push them in on opposite sides of each other to make the turkey’s wings.

To make the turkey’s neck, take your mini beef stick and press it through the front of the cheese ball. The neck is always the FIRST thing to go whenever I have served this!

Constructing the Turkey’s Head
Now the adhesive comes in. Put your cheese ball off to the side and pick up your whopper. Grab a dab of frosting and place it on the whopper. Then grab the editable eye balls and stick them onto the frosting. This frosting is almost like a putty, so you don’t need to worry about acting fast or getting it perfect the first time. It is very forgiving which is great so that you can get it exactly where you want it!

Once you have the eyes where you want them, tear off a piece of the twizzler and place it right underneath the eyes. This will act as the turkey’s snood, aka gobbler. To give your turkey cheese ball a beak, take a candy corn and place it right underneath the twizzler.

He is looking good so far!
After you hold it for a few seconds to make sure everything is secure, grab another dab of frosting if you need it and place it on the top of the beef stick. Then place your whopper turkey head on top of the beef stick.

Your turkey cheese ball is done!
This little turkey cheese ball is such a simple recipe that your kids could easily help make it. They will love it at any rate!

Impress your family and friends this Thanksgiving with this adorable turkey cheese ball recipe that even the kids can help make!
Now grab a few sleeves of your favorite crackers and your festive Thanksgiving cheese ball turkey appetizer is ready for it’s grand appearance! Enjoy!

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