Our family enjoys strawberries. The big frozen bag from Costco doesn’t last long in our house due to the amount of green smoothies that are made throughout the week. We enjoy picking strawberries at least once a year even though we usually can find them at about the same price at the store. This year though, we are pretty sure that we earned our monies worth. Every time I turned around Boston had another strawberry in his mouth!
Boston finally began calling me ‘mama’! HOORAY!!! He has been saying ‘daddy’ for the past six months and I know he could say ‘mama’ but he just never would. I am sure all mothers would say that hearing their child call them ‘mama’ is one of the sweetest things they have ever heard. Would you agree? Now onto the second child…
Little Tennessee is 15 weeks and to celebrate his special day, he spit up on me several times which is normal but he also peed on me which was a first. Oh the joys! Although his blessing day had already passed, I had to take at least one picture with him in his little suit personally made for him (thanks Grandma!).
Speaking of church, this is how we roll on Sundays! It has been a fun month to see Boston’s interests expand. He now loves to ride his motorcycle and is currently enthralled with puzzles.
As soon as he could walk, Boston loved to push things. Carts at the store, the stroller outside, you name it, he will push it. While my husband was vacuuming, Boston insisted on helping him. He proceeded to go back and forth, mimicking my husband’s previous vacuum maneuvering. If only he would have held the handle up higher he would have done an excellent job!
Funny little story of the week. We went to the mall to run an errand with our boys and took Boston’s little friend along as well. Our plan of attack was to put the two toddlers in the stroller and I would hold the babe. We received several glances of pity from people we passed and a few people’s faces grew overwhelmed just by looking at us. It was rather funny.
My husband took a new position at his work so it looks like we are going to finally settle down and buy a house here. Any advice for buying a home? Would you rather buy a ready to move in house or one that needs a little fixing up? One thing high up on the list is a big yard with a fence so these two can play outside all day if they want. I cannot even begin to imagine all the things I could then get accomplished inside the house! It would be AMAZING!
Hope the month of June is off to a great start for you!
Since we just moved in a week ago. I will say small projects add up quickly and are messy and exhausting. So it depends on how quickly you want it done and also the price of the house. For us the location of our new home, the size and the amount of land for the price were worth a few inside projects. We figure it will take a year to finish everything (time and saving up). I’m excited for y’all! It’s been a fun week if home ownership. Haha.
Hey Alex! I’m excited to see all the makeovers you give your new home and gleam from your experience. (o; What kind of projects, a few paint jobs or some bathrooms makeovers? The latter is scary to me!
Miss Suzie! I love your blog! So fun to see more of what’s going on. We are moving to WA in a few short weeks and will be making several detours. The first one is to Texas, which conveniently routes us through Tennessee. Just wondering if you would be up for a visit from the Sherman zoo as we pass through? It will be around June 30. We will be in touch. You have such a cute family!
JENNY!!! Oh my goodness I would love to see you and your family! Let’s definitely plan something. How long has it been? Over ten years…. wow… Very excited for your family in their new adventures!