Need epic costumes ideas for your entire family this Halloween? You don’t need to travel to a galaxy far, far away to pull off authentic Star Wars family costumes! You can use the force to DIY your own Star Wars costume or opt for a pre-made one. Here are our family’s Star Wars costume tips as well as our AWESOME Star Wars trunk of treat idea to help you on your quest!
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Who else loves coordinating family costumes for Halloween?! That’s a big YES for me!
I established the standard a few years back with my boys that they could pick whatever costume they wanted for Halloween night or a Halloween party or whatever. But Mama gets to pick the family costumes for our church’s Trunk or Treat. Thankfully our arrangement has worked well over the years.
You can see our past family Halloween costumes below!
- Wizard of Oz Family Costumes
- Peter Pan Family Costumes
- Firefighter Family Costumes
- Alice in Wonderland Family Costumes
- Super Mario Family Costumes
But this year, the boys wanted to wear the same costumes twice. Why? Because we went with the most epic of all movies to theme our Halloween costumes from.
I chose Star Wars Family Costumes!
I’ve wanted to pull off the Star Wars theme for several years (back even when we were a family of 4). But when October quickly rolled around, I never really felt like it.
I was actually planning an entirely different theme for this Halloween. That all changed when my sister introduced my two oldest to Star Wars a few months back. They became instant Star Wars fans! I wanted to capitalize on their current craze, so I decided to buckle down and make the Star Wars theme finally happen for Halloween! They were SUPER excited for their Star Wars Halloween costumes and couldn’t wait for me to put their costumes together! Neither could I… because I had no idea how I was going to pull it off!
But I had to do or do not, I couldn’t just try, because it was already the end of September! Thankfully I had been pinning Star Wars costumes for a little while (check out my Halloween Costumes Board!), so I had a few ideas up my sleeve.
What Star Wars character should I dress up as?
There are SOOO many awesome Star Wars characters that it may be difficult to narrow it down to just a select few for your family of 5 or 6 or in our case 7. It may be helpful to stick with a specific film, or just let everyone pick their favorite!
For our family, we choose to side with the Rebel Alliance. I adopted Star Wars costumes from the Return of the Jedi with the exception of Luke Skywalker. His black outfit is a little harder to discern his character when standing alone. So I went with the classic Luke Skywalker look.
I matched up Star Wars costumes to family members by looks and also by size. For example, my oldest has blonde hair so he was chosen as Luke Skywalker. My second oldest has brown hair so he was selected as Han Solo. Both of which LOVED their characters! My middle guy is the ideal height and build for an Ewok, not too big and not too small, especially next to me as Princess Leia. My second youngest looked absolutely adorable as Yoda and was the perfect size to pair up with his brother as Luke Skywalker. Han Solo’s size matched up well with my husband playing Chewbacca.
Star Wars Family Costumes & Trunk
I am a BIG fan of the Star Wars theme for Halloween because it is so versatile and recognizable. The film could be represented by one person, an entire family, or very large group could all come dressed in Star Wars costumes.
You can purchase each of the character’s costumes already pre-made for quick Halloween Star Wars costumes (ain’t nothing wrong with that!). This is especially nice if it means you save on time and money! Which was our case for the Chewbacca costume.
Or you could choose to DIY a costume or two. There were several costume elements I wanted that I couldn’t find or they didn’t look authentic enough. So I decided to tackle making those parts of the Star Wars costumes myself. Thanks to a few helpful tutorials and some bits of creative genius, I was able to assemble all of our Halloween family costumes together in time!
I want to share all the DIY inspiration, helpful tutorials, and great finds so that you too can pull off your own authentic Star Wars family costumes and not look like “scruffy-looking nerf-herders” this Halloween!
This post is quite extensive so feel free to click on the links below to quickly scroll to the Star Wars family costumes you want to learn more about!
- Baby R2D2 costume
- DIY Luke Skywalker Costume
- Ewok Costume
- Return of the Jedi Princess Leia Costume
- Easy Han Solo Costume
- Chewbacca Costume
- Yoda costume for Littles
Along with our Star Wars family costumes be sure to scroll down to see our epic AT-ST Walker Star Wars Trunk!
Baby Girl R2D2 Costume DIY
I began working on bits and pieces of all the costumes at once; gathering supplies, making listings of items still needed, beginning construction, etc. But the very first costume that I was able to complete was the baby R2D2 costume that turned out absolutely adorable!
Although it took a little time, her costume was very easy to put together and didn’t require a single stitch! Okay the headbands needed a little stitching but that’s it! Everything else was cut, glued, wrapped extra to get this final result. The outfit was made with a onesie and glittery duct tape and the skirt out of four different colors of 6 inch tulle. The R2D2 headpiece is just a foam ball painted gray with designs made from duct tape and gems. Just let me know if you would be interested in a full DIY post of her R2D2 costume.
I wanted all the Star Wars costumes for our family to be as authentic as possible, but since little sissy is my one and only girl, I wanted to make sure there was no doubt that she was a little lady! So I took some leeway with her R2D2 costume and put some girly frills here and there.
Recreate the look:
DIY Luke Skywalker Costume
Ever since I contrived the idea of having our family dress up as Star Wars for Halloween, I’ve wanted my eldest to be Luke Skywalker, mainly because he has blonde hair. And speaking of hair, we stopped giving him and his brother (Han Solo) haircuts in July. We hadn’t decided on the Star Wars costumes quite yet, but I wanted the boys hair grown out a bit for Halloween just in case.
Our Luke Skywalker DIY costume was the least challenging of all to make. I lucked out and found the shirt at a thrift store, he already had tan jogger pants, I purchased ace bandage wraps for the legs and mens tan socks that matched in color to the socks to cover the shoes. To keep the socks from getting thrashed the first use, I put duct tape on the soles of the foot. I handmade the belt out of cardboard, upholstery material, hot glue, and duct tape. The light saber was attached to the belt with a carabiner clip.
Funny thing about the light saber, I actually found it on clearance at the store many, many years ago. I decided to grab it, knowing one day I could use it for our Star Wars family costumes. When I brought out the light saber for Luke Skywalker’s costume, the boys were appalled.
“Luke’s light saber wasn’t red! That’s Darth Vader’s light saber!”
Oops! My bad! Thankfully my sons are Star Wars junkies and can keep me on track! So we used that one just for pictures because it contracted down and purchased another one that was blue. The boys have had a BLAST with those light sabers ever since!
Recreate the look:
Ewok Costume for Kids
Oh my goodness! Could anything be cuter?!?!
The Ewok costume was made from this bear costume, an old orangish red shirt, and a bit of jute twine. This was my first Star Wars costume that required a little bit of rudimentary sewing, which was needed to make the Ewok cape/hat. But all the sewing was done by hand, so as long as you have a needle and thread, you could totally do it too!
I love how his staff turned out! All compliments go to my husband for that. He carved down a large stick he found outside and made the blade out of cardboard and duct tape! The two are secured together by the same jute twine I used on the hood, wrapped around several times and then finished off with a few natural feathers.
Recreate the look:
DIY Princess Leia from Return of the Jedi
I’ve wanted to dress up as Princess Leia but am not the biggest fan of the white cloak or the huge cinnamon buns on the side of her head. Looks great on her, don’t get me wrong, but not so much on me. So I opted for the look Princess Leia sported when she was on the planet Endor.
This Princess Leia costume was my pride and joy! I had no clue how I was going to make her camouflage cloak/cape (because remember my sewing is very, well let’s just say primitive) but thankfully I was able to pull it off! The cape was made from a white bedsheet and I used one of my sweatshirts to cut out a pattern for the hood of the cloak. I seriously was a novice to this whole experience but just kept going! To get the camouflage look, I painted the sheet with dabs of different colors of acrylic paint. It helped the sheet material stiffen up a little which was perfect!
I had some blue pants already and instead of sewing yellow ribbon down the sides of the legs, I just placed yellow tape to quickly give it the same look. And then it was super easy to remove when Halloween was over! Like Luke Skywalker’s belt, I made Princess Leia’s belt from cardboard, furniture upholstery, hot glue, and a little bit of hand stitching on the side for the gun holster. The gun I purchased was obnoxiously bright white and orange, so we did a little DIY to give it an authentic look.
For Princess Leia’s hair, I found this awesome tutorial to get the Leia Endor braids and used leather shoe laces to weave through the dutch braid.
Recreate the Look:
Kid’s Han Solo Costume
There doesn’t seem to be a lot to this costume, but all the details add up! Just imagine a Han Solo costume without the boots. It wouldn’t look legit. Or what if he didn’t have a gun? His costume wouldn’t look complete! Piecemealing the Han Solo costume was pretty straight forward, it was just figuring out how to make the belt (it was the first of the three I started) that was the most difficult only because I wasn’t exactly sure yet how I was going to make them.
The vest is actually a toddler vest I found at the thrift store and it worked perfect for the Han Solo costume. I didn’t want the zippers showing, so I used black duct tape to cover the zippers on both sides. I paired it with a henley shirt and blue pants. Just like I did with the princess Leia pants, instead of sewing ribbon down the sides, I used yellow tape. Yellow, not red. He had yellow seams on his pants in the Return of the Jedi. Then took used a blue sharpie every 1/2 inch to make the lines going down. Fitted him for some black boots, a belt, and my DIY belt holster. That “buckle” is just made of cardboard and tinfoil!
I sanded, painted, and sealed the Han solo blaster, giving it a face lift from its previous hideous bright orange and white state all thanks to this tutorial. But apparently now you can find more original looking ones all over the place. They only had the ugly orange one last year.
Recreate the Han Solo look:
Easy Adult Chewbacca Costume
I wasn’t going to tackle trying to make the massive Chewbacca costume from scratch, so I opted out and found a Chewbacca jumper that fit great and fit the bill! We found this black crossbow that my husband attached two foam soccer balls he had painted and then sliced in the middle so they would fit on the end of the crossbow just like Chewbacca’s.
Recreate the look:
Master Yoda Costume for Toddlers
Isn’t he just the cutest little yoda?! It’s funny now whenever he sees an image of Yoda he says “Mama, that’s me!”
This was my very last costume that came together! I purchased this crochet Yoda hat and that’s about as far as I got until just a few days before our Trunk or Treat! On one of my several trips to the thrift store, I found a woman’s tan wrap that I took out some of the back of it to reduce the size but everything else worked perfectly for him just to wrap around. He wore one of my brown fitted t-shirts that fit him just a little above the feet and I secured it all with a bit of twine.
The little Yoda feet I created using green felt and pieces from a cracker box for the toe nails. I attached them directly to the outside of his shoes with velcro.
Recreate the Yoda Star Wars look:
Epic Star Wars Trunk or Treat Idea
Now I can’t take any credit for the Star Wars Trunk set up aside from just having the idea. Too busy doing the final touches on all of our costumes, I left the Star Wars Trunk or Treat project in the hands of my husband. He definitely did not disappoint!
AT-ST Walker Trunk for Halloween
Like in so many of my past projects, cardboard and paint are my favorite go-tos when it comes to creating props of any sort. Since we were going with the Return of the Jedi, I originally wanted to construct a AT-AT Walker to go along with the scene with the Ewoks but it would have been a little more labor intensive than what we had time for, so I decided an AT-ST Walker would work too.
My husband constructed the body out of cardboard and we all leaned a hand in painting it. He put most of the AT-ST Walker body together before our church’s trunk or treat but a lot of it we had to assemble on site. Obviously we couldn’t drive down the freeway with it hanging off of our roof! The AT-ST Walker’s head was so big, we had to cart it in the bed of our truck. Once we arrived at the parking lot, we put the body on top of our van, securing it with ropes and the AT-ST Walker’s legs with zip-ties.
AT-ST Walker Trunk Details
My eldest son caught the creative bug and asked, “Shouldn’t we have some trees? You know in the fight scene with the Ewoks, it was a foresty area, so we need some trees!” I told him to go for it! So those trees you see off to the left and right of the AT-ST Walker, he designed, painted, and cutout.
The best part of our AT-ST Walker were the two barrels my husband made that he put strobing white and red lights inside of to give it the look of firing. One of our phones was circling through sounds of shots while we had the Imperial March playing on another which was synced to speakers.
I didn’t want a gapping hole, aka our trunk, so I used some black material to paint the star wars logo and put white Christmas lights around it to really help it pop at night.
We gave out candy along with glow sticks to our trunk or treaters all held in a bucket with a Darth Vaders mask on it.
Star Wars Family Costumes for the win!
All of our hard work paid off because we were awarded “Best Trunk” (see last year’s win) and “Best Family Costumes” at our church’s Trunk or Treat (check out these free printable Halloween Awards). But even a bigger win for me, was that all my boys loved our family costumes so much, that for the first time ever, they choose to trick-or-treat in their costumes! So yes we were one of those families walking down the street Halloween night all costumed themed. We stayed all together just long enough to take a picture before the older boys jetted off.
Look who we ran into while Trick-or-treating!!!!! Thankfully Luke Skywalker wasn’t with us. Poor Yoda looks like he is wilting! It was a little humid Halloween evening.
Hope you have a fantastic Halloween season!
Be sure to let me know what Star Wars characters you are dressing up as in the comments below. Will you be coordinating your costumes with the whole family or a group of friends or going solo?
Did you find this post helpful? Then be sure to PIN an image to your Halloween Costumes board!
Oh my goodness these are all amazing! Thank you so much for your beautiful and very detailed explanations of each costume!!! My family of 4 wants to do Star Wars this year and I don’t want to buy all new costumes, so I’m really excited to try some of your ideas. Again, THANK YOU for being so generous and sharing your ideas and tips. Happy Halloween!