This free printable Relief Society Trivia Game is a great activity to play at your Relief Society’s Birthday celebration to help your sisters learn a few facts about the history in a fun way! Simply download and print! This design is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.

Games are usually called for at birthday parties, and the Relief Society Birthday celebration is no different!
Before we get ahead of ourselves, for those that may be asking what is the Relief Society?
In a nutshell, the Relief Society is a worldwide group of stellar women who are striving to serve the Lord and strengthen their home and community. Every year around March 17th, we throw a ‘birthday party’ to celebrate the organization of Relief Society.
You can learn more about this inspiring group here or feel free to leave any questions in the comments below and I’ll be happy to answer them.

I shared my “Find a Sister” game last year which is a great game to encourage sisters to mix and mingle with everyone and learn a little bit more about each other.
>> more fun Relief Society themed games in my shop! <<
And I thought it would be fun to create another game this time to help sisters learn a few facts about the Relief Society that they may not have known before. So I designed printable Relief Society trivia game cards for you! The trivia cards consist of nine questions, nothing too intense or time consuming.
>> Another fun (and free!) Relief Society Trivia Game that you may enjoy is “Name the Elect Lady“.
Quick Trivia verses History Lesson
I have been to a few birthday celebrations where I feel its been a little heavy on the history side. Have you been there? It’s supposed to be a birthday party right?
My personal favorite Relief Society birthdays have involved a splash of history, some spiritual upliftment, and activities that bring the sisters closer together. Like we did at our Garden Party and the Italian themed Relief Society parties.

Relief Society Trivia Game
The Relief Society Trivia game cards measure 5 x 7 inches and print two per page. You can print them at home or at a professional printing place. And also included is the answer key. I knew you probably didn’t want to dig around for the answers. 😉
After you click on download, head on over to your downloads folder to grab the file. It will be in a zip file format, so you will need to double click on the file to open it.
Click here to download the Relief Society Trivia Game
Hope you and all your sisters have a wonderful time celebrating together! Enjoy!
Oh and would you love your Relief Society birthday celebration to be featured? Tag @_aspenjay on Instagram or send me some photos. I WANNA SEE party pictures!!!
Do you have a few questions that you would like to swap out for some of your own? Perhaps customized for your ward? I thought you might! I have an editable version of the Relief Society trivia game for you in the shop. Check it out here.

If you need a fun icebreaker game, be sure to check out Relief Society bingo (it’s free)!

Need ideas for themes for your upcoming Relief Society Birthday Celebration? Just click here for more ideas like, why not welcome spring with a Garden Party themed Relief Society celebration!

Or throw a classy Italian Relief Society Party!

Love your RS game ideas! For the RS trivia game I downloaded the file and opened it but didn’t see the answer key…
Hi Dena,
So happy that you like it! Did you double click on the zipped file to open it? Inside the file will be the Relief Society Game and the Answer Key. Have fun! 🙂
Holaaa es la primera vez que estoy en esta página , le comento fuy llamada presidenta de la Sociedad de Socorro y busco información para poder. Hacer actividades y esto del bingo me re encantó 🫶
The FREE trivia game does not load. How can I get a copy. I’d like to use this idea for our RS birthday/activity in March. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.
Hi Vicki,
I’m so glad you like the game to play it at your upcoming Relief Society birthday celebrations! Did you check in your downloads folder for the file? It will be there in a zip file format. Simply double click on the file to open it and you will be all set! Let me know if you still can’t access the game. Best of luck with the party preparations and if you need a few more free games to play, be sure to check those out as well. 🙂