Are you looking for meaningful and fun ideas for your Relief Society Activities? Here is a list of 50+ wonderful ideas to help you get started from low key activities to amazing events your sisters will consequently talk about for months, plus a free Relief Society activity planning worksheet printable!
Post contains helpful affiliate links at no extra cost to you.

What is the Purpose of Relief Society Activities?
As the purpose of the Relief Society is to help build women’s faith in Jesus Christ, strengthen individuals and families, and assist those in need, the Relief Society activities should certainly fall in line with that purpose.
Having additional gatherings to the more formal Sunday meetings, gives the sisters a better opportunity to get to know each other as they serve, grow, and have fun together. It likewise provides an opportunity for the sisters serving in Young Women and Primary to participate since they are busy serving in their callings on Sundays.
The Relief Society activity can also act as a much needed uplifting break from the cares of the week!
How often are Relief Society Activities?
This really depends upon your ward’s Relief Society Presidency and how often they want to organize activities. The official instruction from the church reads:
“When circumstances allow, meetings are generally held monthly on evenings other than Sunday or Monday. But they can also be held more or less often.”
So that leaves it pretty wide open!
But there definitely is a fine balance if you want them to be successful. Having Relief Society activities too often, could be burdensome on those planning it and tiresome for those attending. Not having enough may prevent bonding between the sisters and inclusion of those sisters serving in Primary and Young Womens.
So the best answer – it depends!
It may be helpful to get a general consensus of what the sisters in your ward want. If you are holding activities once a month and attendance is non-existent, consider hosting just once a quarter or maybe just twice a year. Then more preparation and thought could be put into each activity to plan and advertise.
In the end, the sisters will vote with their feet. If the Relief Society activities are well thought out, uplifting, fun, and not burdensome, the sisters will attend. If not, attendance will be low. It is wonderful for all the sisters to meet together so make it work for your ward!
For those that would like to meet more often, the Relief Society Presidency could help orchestrate optional sub-interest groups for sisters with similar needs and interests. Some ideas could be book clubs, playdate group, craft group, walking group, hobby group, etc. Since these are optional groups, there wouldn’t be that guilt factor that is felt by some when they don’t attend Relief Society meetings. These interest groups could then be run by a volunteer of that group.
What does a Relief Society Activity Coordinator do?
The Relief Society Activity Coordinator assists the Relief Society presidency in planning the Relief Society activities and this could vary greatly depending on the presidency. Some presidencies may want to be hands on and just delegate a small portion to the activities committee. However, others may ask the Activity Coordinator to plan everything and just ask that they run it by them first. Whatever side of the spectrum, the Relief Society Activity Coordinator and committee members job is to help the presidency in planning the activities however they see fit.
And now for the million dollar question…
How Can we Make Relief Society Fun?
Let’s be completely honest here, for some sisters, the Relief Society has a bad stigma. This could be for various reasons. It may be that a sister doesn’t feel they fit in, they may have been offended, or they just don’t feel loved. How sad is that?! This is the exact opposite of what the Relief Society is supposed to be!
It’s so important that the sisters feel a sense of sisterhood from these activities. And the best way to do this, is to make them fun!
For example, when I was called into a new Relief Society presidency, our activities had a history of not being well attended. They were frankly too long and were terribly boring. To change that, we began focusing our efforts on planning activities that’s sole purpose was for the sisters to have a good time. Since we lacked an activities committee, we opted for fewer activities but made them really stand out! We replaced the 30 minute lesson for a quick 5 minute spiritual thought followed by a lively activity and delicious food. We felt if they could get a sense of camaraderie and have a good time, they would want to come in the future.
It was a success (check it out here)! And news of our first activity spread (it helped that we took pictures and posted them on our Relief Society bulletin board) so that our next one had even more sisters attend.
Tips for a Successful Relief Society Activities
- Plan fewer activities and make them fabulous
- Make an annual activity that sisters can count on (like March 17th, or around that time period, for the Relief Society birthday celebration) being extraordinary.
- Advertise at least 3 weeks in advance – email, flyers, facebook page
- Giving occasional assignments can encourage sisters to come
- Provide babysitting – request that the Young Women and Young Men activities are cancelled for that week
- Make them fun instead of focusing solely on the spiritual
- Serve food – a treat at the least
- Stick to an hour and a half or less – sisters can stay and socialize if they want but they won’t feel obligated to stay since the activity is over. One Relief Society activity I went to I ducked out “early” because after an hour and a half into the meeting the first of the three speakers was still going!
- Take pictures and post them on your Relief Society facebook page and/or bulletin board -it’s a great way to advertise all the fun that was had!
Remember that some sisters may never attend no matter what you do, but don’t let this discourage you! Just love them and have fun with the sisters who do attend.
There are so many fabulous ideas for Relief Society Activities, because really anything that is good, virtuous, lovely, or praiseworthy you could surround an activity around because it all points back to Jesus Christ! The general handbook recommends surrounding these activities around such topics as homemaking, marriage & family, self-reliance, temples & family history, sharing the gospel, and compassionate service.
But any activity that helps uplift the sisters, bonds them together, would be a great idea. To help categorize this extensive list of Relief Society ideas, I grouped them into four categories:
Yes, they are patterned after the young women and young men’s goals, and for good reason too! Because despite how old we are, we should all be improving in one of these areas. Heavenly Father wants all of us to learn and grow, just look at President Nelson! Jesus Christ grew and improved in all those areas, so we likewise would do well to follow His example.
Feel free to click on the link to jump to the specific category or just continue scrolling.
Spiritual Themed Activities Ideas
1. PJS – Prayers, Journals, Scriptures
Invite the sisters to come for a low key evening (in their pajamas if they want!) to talk about improving personal scripture study and journal writing. An activity could be painting the cover of a Book of Mormon or purchase some kraft spiral notebooks the sisters could paint the covers of and then use as journals. Follow the activity with hot chocolate and sweet treats.
2. Make Items for Those in Need
This could be done by either having one service project everyone it working on or setting up a few stations where different service activities take place. Sisters could then rotate between each station or if they like, decide to stay at one the entire time.
- Sewing blankets for newborns
- Tying grocery bags into mats for the homeless
- Writing cards to missionaries
- Tie blankets for a local children’s home
- Family History/Indexing
- Preparing freezer meals for ward members
- Make quilts for the homeless shelter
3. Knit Together With Love
Share how important it is to show love one for another. Then knit/sew something together! Make neck pillows with rice in them for seniors in nursing homes. Learn how to knit or sew. You can really go anywhere with this theme!
“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3
4. In Her Shoes
Ask each of the Relief “Sole”ciety sisters to bring a pair of shoes that hold a special meaning in their lives. Depending on your group size, each sister could then share the story behind the shoes to the entire group or just to the sisters they are sitting with at their table. To bring it back to Christ, there could be an uplifting message about walking in our sisters shoes just like the Savior does.

This is a moving song that captures this message beautifully.
To bring the theme into the food table, you could serve stiletto shaped sugar cookies or learn how to bake these gorgeous high heeled cupcakes!
5. Temple Outing
What better way to unit with fellow sisters than serving together in the temple. This can be as long or as short as your time permits. For those who do not have temple recommends, invite them to enjoy the beauty of walking around the temple. And afterward all meet together for ice-cream.
6. Evening with the Patriarch
Invite the Patriarch to come speak and answer any questions the sisters might have.
7. Relief Society History
The Relief Society organization has such a rich and inspiring history worth knowing and sharing. This doesn’t have to be boring! Throw in a few games like Relief Society Trivia, Name the Elect Lady, Relief Society Word Scramble to help break things up and get involvement and interaction from the sisters.

And if you have Spanish Sisters, definitely don’t leave them out and grab the same Relief Society games in Spanish for them in my shop!
8. Family History Class
- Indexing
- Setting up a Family Search Account
9. Find Something on
10. When Life Gives you Lemons
“When life hands you lemons, make some lemonade!” This Relief Society Activity can focus on mental health and personal self care. The evening could be spent making a lemon sugar scrub or learning to make lemon soaps.
Another lemon theme idea would be to focus on positive thinking by discussing what can you do when you are given lemons in life. Also when you get lemons, literally, what can you do with them? The activity could be teaching the sisters how to cook with lemons, clean with lemons, and how to use lemons for better health.
Whatever route you choose, serving lemon baked treats would be a lovely finishing touch! And maybe giving the sisters a lemon or two to take home to apply what they were taught!

11. Scripture Escape Room
Why not make a popular youth activity, a Relief Society Activity?! Here is an example of an LDS themed escape room for you to get ideas from. Oh and here is another one. 🙂
12. Baby Shower Delivery
Prepare a baby shower for new mom in a women’s shelter. Ask sisters to bring a gift or small donation to contribute if they want. At the Relief Society activity the sisters could write cards of love and encouragement to the new mom as well as spend time chatting while they tie a baby blanket or maybe knit something for the new baby! You could serve lite baby shower type foods like cupcakes, muffins, and a fruit tray. Then arrange for a few sisters to help deliver the baby shower items in a big party sack or basket.
13. Taco ‘Bout the Temple
Hand out slips of papers to the sisters and ask them to write down any questions they might have about the temple. This could be done at the beginning of the activity or before. Then invite a temple sealer to come and share their testimony of the temple and answer the sisters’ questions. Bring in even more sisters by advertising that there will be a taco bar to talk about the Temple. 🙂
14. Showered with Love
This is a great activity to help those in the ward that might need a little boost! First off, invite all the sisters to bring a homemade goody, like cookies, brownies, muffins, bread, jars of homemade jam or salsa, (you get the picture!). Pray beforehand and ask sisters at the activity who in the ward could use some extra love. Then divide all the goodies into however many people you decided on and assemble them onto plates, baskets, gift bags, pretty buckets, or whatever you would like. Be sure to be mindful of any allergies!
Bring along some cardstock and pens for sisters to make cards to go along with each and maybe some ribbon to bring it all together. Get volunteers to deliver a showered with love basket/plate/bucket on their way home from the activity.
15. Service & Sundaes
Get involved locally by volunteering in your community. Serve and then gather back at the church or someone’s home to enjoy a smorgasbord of sundae toppings! Some places that could use your service are:
- Food Bank
- Ronald McDonald House
- Homeless Shelter
- Retirement Home – host a Bingo Night!
- Animal Shelter
- Organize a park cleanup

16. Conference Jeopardy!
Encourage the sisters to pay close attention in the upcoming General Conference because the following activity will be Conference Jeopardy! Prepare questions by writing down quotes, topics, and funny stories that were said during Conference on white notecards that the sisters will need to answer who it was that said it. The opposite side of the notecard will have the number of points that question was worth. Organize the questions into a few categories of themes that stuck out to you at the recent conference, like “Becoming a Disciple”, “Missionary Work”, etc. You can arrange the cards directly onto a chalkboard or prep at home by sticking them onto poster board. Divide the sisters into a few teams and if you have a call bell or something to push when they know the answer, that would help add to the fun!
17. Be Like a Pineapple
Why? Because a pineapple stands tall, wears a crown, and is sweet on the inside! Talks could focus on being daughters of God, standing up for what we believe in, and being a peacemaker. And of course the refreshments and decorations could be all things pineapple, like this delicious pineapple dream cake– yum!
18. And my Father dwelt in a Tent
Taken from 1 Nephi 2:15, “And my father dwelt in a tent“, this Relief Society activity focuses on making sacred spaces in our lives. The decor theme for this one is outdoorsy (check out my Woodland Food Table for ideas), so bring some wood, pitch a tent, and serve tinfoil dinners or keep it simple by serving s’mores.
19. Meet My Grandmother
Bring family history close to home by learning about the sisters’ own grandmothers. Display antiques and vintage items to transport sisters back in time. Invite the sisters to bring photographs and heirlooms to display on the tables as well as share memories of their grandmothers. Assign a few sisters or ask everyone to bring a food or dessert their grandmother makes/used to make. Maybe even turn this into a recipe swap by sharing the recipes with each other.
20. Secrets of a Successful FHE
Learn how to have wonderful Family Home Evenings. Two Ladies & a Blog share some fun ideas of how to bring this activity to life!
21. Give a Birthday Party
Organize a Birthday Party for the children at your local food bank! Before the Relief Society activity, send out a sign up sheet asking for birthday party supplies. Things such as cake frosting, candles, frosting, birthday plates, birthday napkins, balloons, streamers, some small toys, fun birthday bags, and whatever screams “happy birthday” to you. The activity will be spent assembling the birthday bags and creating birthday cards to be put in each bag. You could even play a few party games and serve birthday cake to really get into the spirit! The birthday party bags could then be dropped off for the children at your local food bank.
22. Advice from a Sunflower
Sunflowers are sun worshipers. Did you know that they will actually position themselves to be in the sun’s direct light? So the advice from a sunflower is to “Turn toward the Son”.
In all we do seek to follow Jesus Christ and “turn away” from sin. It could be focused on faith or repentance, really whatever the sisters need. A fun keepsake to help sisters remember to always turn to the “Son” might be a sunflower notepad or pen and it would be super cute to have sunflower crowns at the entrance for the sisters to wear during the activity!
In conclusion, be sure to serve some sunflower seeds and a sunflower themed treat like these adorable sunflower cake pops!
Social Themed Activities
23. Speed-Friendshipping
It’s like speed dating but on the friendship side of things. Set up some long tables lined with chairs and have sisters sit across from each other. They then have a time limit of a minute or two (you decide) to ask the person across from them questions about themselves. After the time has been reached, everyone scoots down to then be paired with another new sister. It may be helpful to provide a few stripes of paper with questions on them to help the sisters get started if they are stooped about what question to ask. Strong Armor has lots of great speed-friendshipping questions you can pull from.
24. “I Never” Game
This is such a fabulous game to play to help sisters learn things they have in common. To play, first arrange enough chairs for all the sisters but one and place them in a circle. The sister without a chair stands in the middle of the circle of sisters who are all sitting down. She then proceeds to say one thing that she has never done. For example, “I have never been to Europe.” Everyone who HAS been to Europe then quickly gets up from their chair and quickly tries to fill an empty seat. Since the speaker is also trying to sit down, one of the sisters that stood up will then be the new sister in the middle and then the game continues.
We played this at our Italian Themed Relief Society Dinner and it was a BIG hit!

25. Guess that Sister
Have each sister write two or three unique/interesting things about themselves (favorite hobby, funny story, fact, etc.) on a slip of paper along with their name. Then have one person read a slip out loud and see if the other sisters can guess who it is!
26. Unbirthday Party
Have a big birthday party to celebrate everyone’s unbirthday. Have birthday decor, party hats, and cake. Play some of the fun get-to-know you games listed above to get the sisters mingling. And if the budget allows, be sure to send each sister home with a fun birthday gift!
27. Relief Society Galentine’s Party
Plan a fun Valentine’s party for the sisters! Play a few games like Relief Society themed What’s on Your Phone and Find the Sister. Have someone speak on the five love languages: receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch. Create a lavishly delicious Valentine’s charcuterie board for the sisters to enjoy or better yet, add a chocolate fondue fountain to it!
Above all, don’t plan a Relief Society activity on emergency preparedness a few days before Valentine’s Day! If you must (for some odd, bizarre reason) please at the very least serve heart shaped sugar cookies for dessert! Just speaking from my own recently sad disappointed experience.

28. Marriage Panel
Invite a seasoned couple to briefly share some tips about maintaining a successful marriage and then open it up for the sisters to ask them questions.
29. Service Auction
Invite all the sisters to bring either something homemade (a freezer meal, dessert, blanket, etc.) or a coupon for some act of service (dog walking, cutting hair, sewing lesson, babysitting, etc.). Inform them that they will have the chance to bid for each other’s items but not with your typical currency. They will have the chance to earn points, aka play money/tickets by filling out a questionnaire. The questions are things like, “Arrived before the opening prayer”, “Read your scriptures today”, etc. Each question is then worth a certain amount of points/tickets that they can then use in bidding for all the items that were brought.
Diary of a Crafty Lady goes into detail of the auction she held and even provides a questionnaire you can snag!
30. Vintage Fashion Show
This would be a great activity to involve the Young Women! Invite sisters to bring items/outfits of older clothing to then have the Young Women model. Then group the outfits into decades and pause between each to have sisters share what it was like growing up during that time. Be sure to have the more delicate items on display instead of being modeled. You could pick a specific decade to base your decorations around, like a 1950’s diner and serve old fashioned ice-cream sodas!
31. Board Game Night
Have everyone bring a favorite board game, set up a few circle tables and chairs, have a delicious munchies spread, and let the games begin! If you would prefer a more unified competitive game night, you could organize some minute-to-win-it games for the sisters to play.
32. Book of Mormon Murder Mystery
The Idea Door can help you get started!
33. Visit Homebound Sisters
34. Shine Your Light
Let your sisters shine by hosting a Relief Society talent show! Ask the sister well in advance to share their talents by either performing (singing, dancing, juggling, whatever) or displaying (showing the results of their talents). For example, one friend of mine was a professional makeup artist, so she displayed the pictures of the women she had done their makeup along with the magazines they were in. Pretty cool! Another sister displayed her photography and another her quilts. It is a wonderful way to get to know your sisters more!
A gold theme as far as decorations and goodies would be a great fit for this theme, maybe even a red carpet if you have access to one!

35. It’s a Small World
Invite few/several sisters to share their family’s cultural background. Have tables set up for them to showcase items they have and share customs, foods, clothes, history, etc. about their country. The sisters could either walk around to each table or gather everyone together to have one sister share at a time.
36. Summer Social
Have a fun get together during the summer for one of your Relief Society activities. Plan a “salad social” and invite everyone to bring a favorite salad to share (fruit, potato, green, etc.) Or another option would be to host an “ice-cream” social. Everyone would be invited to bring their favorite toppings and the Relief Society could bring the ice-cream.
Instead of having a set activity, let the sisters mingle and enjoy each other. And be sure to have few fun outside games set up, for example: spikeball, corn hole, croquette, and bocce ball would all be great options!
37. Bloom Where you are Planted
Have a Relief Society garden themed party and invite the sisters to wear big fancy hats! Spend the evening socializing and have a spiritual thought/lesson on blooming where you are planted. Be sure to serve delicious picnic foods like chicken salad and little dessert cakes! And most importantly, be sure to have them all sign a “bloom where you are planted” flower guest book to hang up on your Relief Society announcement board.

38. Swap Exchange
Have a trash-to-treasures night! Invite sisters to bring items that they no longer want to perhaps go home with items they do want, such as books, clothes, board games, toys, clothes, etc. This can get out of hand with too many things brought and not enough people wanting them, so be sure to limit the items to maybe just a grocery bag or two. Set up long tables at the activity and give each sister half of a table to display the items she brought to give away. Consequently, anything leftover could be taken to your local charity.
39. A Few of my Favorite Things
If the “Sound of Music” popped up into your head, you are on the right track! When announcing the party, pass out invitations that are attached to a brown paper bag. Explain that each sister should bring one of their favorite things that is $5 (maybe higher because of inflation?) or less to give away. It could be a favorite treat, makeup brush, hand lotion, cleaning product, homemade item, whatever they want! At the Relief Society activity, have each sister write their name on a slip of paper that will then be placed in a bowl or brown paper bag. After some mingling, gather all the sisters to sit in a circle. Then have one sister at a time share what is in her bag and why it is one of her favorite things. Then have that sister who is sharing draw a name to give her gift to.
This is such a fun way to get to know each other! Another spin off of this theme would be to ask each sister to bring one of their favorite items from home, like an heirloom from Grandpa, a souvenir from a trip, a favorite book, etc. Then at the activity each sister gets a turn to share the special item she brought (without exchanging with anyone else of course!).
Whichever one you choose, be sure to send everyone home with a delicious treat inside a brown paper bag.
Physical Themed Activities
40. Let’s Dance
Invite a dancer from the ward/stake/community to teach some basic dance steps to the sisters in the ward.
- Country Line dancing
- Ballet
- Jazz
- Hip-Hop
41. Yoga
- chair aerobics
42. Sports
Learn how to play pickle ball! Or meet at a baseball diamond to play softball or kickball. Any sports activity to get the sisters moving would be great!
43. Self-Defense Class
Learn the 3 Self-Defense moves every woman should know.
44. Smoothie Social
Enjoy delicious fruit smoothies that are good for you, maybe even introduce a green smoothie or two! Also, have sisters share healthy alternatives for when you might be craving something sweet!
- mango fruit smoothie
- kid approved green smoothie
- protein nutty balls
- healthier caramel popcorn
- all natural fruit tart
45. Healthy Meal Planning
Continuing with the health kick, invite a sister or two to share some healthy meal options.
46. Celestial Spa Night
Pamper the sisters, by having a Celestial Spa Night! First off, invite a massage therapist, beautician, and/or nail technician in your ward/stake that could share some tips. Then have a few stations set up for sisters to choose from, like applying face masks, making DIY body butters for them to take home, enjoying a simple foot soak with epsom salts, and anything else to indulge the sisters. And be sure to serve delectable treats!
Intellectual Themed Activities
47. Be Creative
Get your creative juices flowing and learn a new mode of art for one of your Relief Society activities! Such as:
- Calligraphy
- Watercolors
- Cake decorating
- Oil Painting
- Crochet
- Photography
48. This Little Piggy
If you are wanting to cover a few helpful topics in one activity, this is the one! Inspiration comes from Mother Gooses’ rhyme, “This Little Piggy” and a talk/discussion/station would follow each of the five pigs in the poem.
This little piggy went to market. First one could be all about budgeting or coupons or both!
This little piggy stayed home. This discussion could be all about homemaking hacks in cleaning as well as cooking.
This little piggy had roast beef. This would be a perfect time to share healthy and easy recipes.
This little piggy had none. The discussion here could be how to deal with loss.
This little piggy went … Wee, wee, wee, all the way home! And to conclude the evening, give them a treat so they don’t go home crying! 🙂
49. The 10 Virgins
“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.” – Matthew 25:1-4
Follow the 5 virgins example, and learn about preparing for emergencies both spiritual and physical. Some possible subjects to focus on could be:
- Putting together an emergency notebook
- 72 hour kits
- Food storage 101
50. Personal Finance / Self Reliance
It may seem boring to some, but maybe you could spice it up with tasty treats and a fun glitzy theme as you learn all things relating to money! Invite a financial guru to share his/her knowledge on such topics as:
- Budgeting Basics
- Writing a will
- Healthy mind sets and emotional regulation
- Saving for a rainy day – importance of an emergency fund
- Preparing for retirement
- Teaching children good financial habits
51. Home Management Workshop
Pick one topic or choose a few to share with the sisters that will take your sisters to the next level in their home!
- Home Improvement Hacks
- Home Remedies Hacks
- Natural Cleaning Products
- Time Management
- Home Organization
52. Gardening
- Herb growing and use
- Planting a salsa garden
- Gardening 101
53. Learn a New Skill
Reach out to experts in your ward, stake, or community, and invite them to teach the sisters a new helpful skill. Such as:
- Canning
- Freezer Meals
- Meal Planning
- Baking Bread
- Cutting Hair
- Making Sour Dough
54. Recipe Swap or Dessert Exchange
Make it a potluck and invite all the sisters to bring a homemade food item to share along with several copies of their recipe for each sister to take home if they would like.
55. First Aid Training
- Basic first aid skills
- Get CPR certified
So what’s your upcoming Relief Society Activity?
Hopefully you were able to get an idea or two from this list of Relief Society Activities. There are LOADS more because all good things come from Christ!
A special shout out to Irene, Mary, Shannon, Laurette, Amber, Jennifer, and Stacey for sharing photos from their Relief Society activities with all of us! Thanks sisters!
BONUS: Free Relief Society Activity Planning Sheet
Now that you are equipped with lots of Relief Society activity ideas, it’s time to start planning! I’ve designed a Relief Society activity planning worksheet that will help you begin brainstorming all the details for your upcoming event. Just click on the link to download, then head on over to your downloads folder. Double click on the file to unzip it, print, and then start planning! ENJOY!

< download the Relief Society Activity Planning Printable here >
All designs are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.
Did you find this post helpful? Then be sure to save THIS PIN to your Church/Relief Society ideas board!

Hello! I love all of these ideas and we will be doing several in our ward 🙂
We are about to do “advice from a sunflower”. I am having a really hard time coming up with an activity of some sort. We are going to have a spiritual lesson, maybe about 10 minutes. Then do a small craft, about 10 minutes. Any ideas on what we can do for the hour we have left to fill? We are focusing the lesson on “turn towards The Son”, always turning to the Savior.
I’m not sure if your activity has gone long ago or if you ever found answers, but wanted to share with you a few ideas. 1. What made you choose this? Do you have a lesson already? Is there some point to the lesson? Like, if it’s about service do service, if it’s about turning to Christ in time of need, maybe an art craft about Christ… 2. We did an activity on flowers once. I asked each of the sisters to bring a picture or flower that was their favorite and tell the story. Everyone got to share. Then we told the story of the Daffodils (Parable of the Daffodil by Jeroldeen Asplund Edwards) ( and passed out cards that reminded them “Don’t be discouraged! Start today!” and had a lesson about goal setting. Goal setting is always great, you can have people pair up and help each other set a goal in each of the four areas (intellectual, spiritual, physical, social) and let them buddy up to help each other and remind each other about their goals and to encourage each other. You may also decide you have time to write cheerful cards to young women to encourage them as a service (and help them get to know their RS sisters better) or do a full on adopt a YW project. You could provide some great ideas about things they can do to inspire their adopted YW. Put up inspirational pictures or photos with scriptures on them the sisters can take photos on their phone and text them to others. SUPER easy and gives the YW an extra mom or grandma to bond with.
Thanks Shannon!
That’s sounding like it will be a great activity! I personally like to add an activity that gets the sisters interacting with and getting to know each other. Breaking up those typical sister groups if you will. So any games like, speed friendshipping or Relief Society Bingo, Find the Sister, ” I Never” (explained in this post) or any activity down that line of things is a go-to for me! Let me know what ideas you end up going with! Best of luck!
I love the detail you give for these activities