Adorable Giraffe themed Baby Price is Right Game Cards to print for your upcoming baby shower!

You are the first contestant on the Price is Right – with a baby twist! ๐
If you are hosting a baby shower in the near future, may I suggest playing the Baby Shower version of the classic gameshow the Price is Right. It’s a great game that every guest can easily play. And with the cute giraffe themed baby shower game cards, what’s not to love?!

And speaking of baby showers and babies, sweet little Miss is turning 3 months this week! Seems like just yesterday we had her newborn photo shoot (the pictures turned out absolutely precious!) and now she is already out of the newborn stage. Where has the time gone?
If you are able to catch her eye, you will receive one of the cutest smiles ever. We all just adore her.
But now, back to the game!
How to Play Baby Price is Right
The game is pretty straight forward. You have a list of baby related items and each guest makes an estimated guess on the price each item costs. The person with the nearest price to the correct retail value without going over wins.
That’s the general idea.
Within that scope of rules, you have several options. I’ll break it down into a few simple steps for the novice baby shower Price is Right hostess(es).
STEP 1 – set up
To be able to have the guests guess on the 10 item’s prices, you need to have them available to look at. This can be accomplished in two different ways.
You can either print out an image of each baby item and have it displayed on a poster board for everyone to look over. Or you could purchase all of the items and have them on display at the shower. The second option is nice if your budget allows it because it’s a little more hands on to help guests decide and it can also double as a great gift basket for the mama-to-be!
The dollar store is a great place to find single baby shower items that are inexpensive and won’t break the bank! And if you would like to customize the cards be sure to check out this editable Baby Shower Price is Right cards in the shop!
STEP 2 – decide how many winners
How many prizes do you want to award for this game? You could bestow a prize on the guest for guessing the most accurate on all the items or somehow who’s total is the closest to the actual total. Or maybe you want to give an award for the guest who was the farthest off. The choice is yours!
Just be sure to purchase enough gifts for the number of gifts you want to bestow. Prizes can range from yummy chocolates to delicious smelling soaps or a pretty journal.
STEP 3 – record the prices $$$
Before the baby shower, you’ll want to record the price for each item you purchased or have a picture of it. The best way is to print out one of the game cards for yourself to use as a master list to write down each of the prices.
STEP 4 – print and play
Download and print the Baby Price is Right cards (link below). You can either have a table set up with the items and Price is Right cards and writing utensils for guests to fill out throughout the shower. Or schedule it into the event at a certain time for everyone to play together. If you go with the former option, just make sure you let guests know about the game and to make sure they finish filling in their answers by a predesignated time.
STEP 5 – award the winner(s)
Once the time frame for playing the game is up, read the actual prices of the items and have guests compare their answers to see who is closest. The person with the most correct -or however else you decided – wins!
โ> check out the entire giraffe themed collection
Download and Print the Baby Price is Right Cards
The game cards are 5 x 7 inches and print two per page. You can print them at home or your local print shop. Simply click on the link below to download and navigate to your downloads folder on your computer. The game cards will be there in a zipped file. Just double click on the file to unzip/open the Baby Price is Right game cards.
Click here to download the FREE Price is Right Baby Shower Game
All designs are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.
I hope you enjoy these free baby price is right cards for the next baby shower you throw! If the shower is epic and you are just dying to share your inspiration with others, be sure to submit your party to AspenJay so it can be featured! I can’t wait to see all the fabulous details!
Did you find this printable helpful? Be sure to save THIS PIN to your Baby Shower board!

Need more baby shower games? Grab this Giraffe Baby Shower 8 games pack in the shop!

Would you like to personalize the game cards by inserting your own text? Then you will definitely want to check out the editable version of Price is Right in my shop. It also comes in a larger size if you want to have just one game print per page.

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