I have a three year old. He is currently learning how to control his body and use the potty. As a mother, I am supposed to help him, be encouraging, and clean up any accidents.
Well, forget living to see him married and have kids, I’ll be lucky if I live to see him potty trained!
We have been over a week of potty training not to mention that we had started a few weeks ago but we had stopped because he became ill and dealing with a sick kid and potty training was a little much for my toddler and for me.
Story of today, we are playing outside, he acts like he needs to ‘go’, so I ask
“Boston do you need to go potty?”
So he pulls down his pants and …
Okay, lets pull them back up and continue playing. Two minutes later the same thing with similar results. A few more minutes pass and he is crying and pulling at his pants. I’ll save you from more of the details, but let’s just leave it with he had disposed of waste from both parts of his body and the majority, if not all of it, had been in his underwear.
I took him inside inside, changed his clothes, washed out the soiled clothes, and let him outside to play again. I kid you not, in less than two minutes he has soaked through his new pants.
BAH!!! He knows how to use the potty. He has gone through the entire bathroom process of using the potty and washing his hands without any help.
I have no idea how my mom trained eight children how to go through life without diapers. I am so tempted to just put him back pampers and call it a day. It currently would be a TON easier for me.
But when was being a mother easy?
Not to mention he pees more than a pregnant lady… and I am not exaggerating. His potty chart for example. Was full in only THREE days. I babysat a friend of his and his little brother for a few hours. In the course of their playtime together, the friend had gone to the bathroom once.
Boston… SIX times.
grumble grumble. I feel like a fire cracker about ready to explode!!!
Please tell me there is a potty training service for our next kid.
Okay I am done with my venting… carry on citizens.
Someday you will be able to look back on this time and smile that you got through it. It has been 3 years, and I still cannot look back on the adventure with a smile. At least I don’t shudder and grimace anymore, so maybe someday I will smile.
I asked my great aunt for advice on training and she looked at me like I was crazy, shrugged her shoulders and informed me he will when he is ready. Like it was that simple. And of course, she was right. Until them, we love them along and vent on our blogs ๐
found this on Talented Tuesdays
Hang in there my dear! My daughter potty trained pretty well, but night time training is not going very well. I’d be totally fine just leaving her in pull ups at night. She is always dry in the morning with them on, but wet with panties on. I just don’t get it.
Thanks for sharing on the Shine Blog Hop!
I’ve been trying to potty train Brayden since last September. ๐ Every kid is different but potty training is never fun! I recently stopped caring, put Brayden back in pullups and gave him control of his potty needs and he actually does a lot better! Hang in there!
Thanks Jaime! It really is a roller coaster ride, one day Boston does an amazing job and then the other I have to wash a load of wet underpants. I’m so glad that Brayden is seeming to finally get the hang of it… good luck to you!
Sorry you are dealing with the never fun potty training! You made me laugh. The pooping has always been our hardest. Luckily my daughter is mastering it much better than the boys. Good Luck!
Thanks Kim! Some days I think “This isn’t so bad, I can handle this” and other days I feel like we are starting all over again. Thanks for the luck, I’ll be needing it! ๐
It took a year and a half to fully train my now 3yr old. We didn’t go at it whole hog right from the beginning though. It is tiring. That is for sure. But, one day, it just suddenly “clicks” and they are trained. And that is the best day ever. ๐
(visiting from the Shine blog hop)
A whole year?! Oh my Julie, how did you manage? I cannot wait for THAT day!!! ๐ Thanks for stopping by and congrats on potty training a human!
Awe, we are just now starting a potty journey with our 2 year old…all her doing, I’m not ready ๐
Good luck Erin! We can commiserate together! ๐
Oh no!! I am both anxiously awaiting potty training and dreading it like the plague! I am certainly ready to be done with diapers, but the process seems pretty intimidating. Little man isn’t quite two, and isn’t showing much interest, so we have a little time. Fingers crossed it gets easier for you!
Thanks for the luck Carlee! ๐ Sorry this post didn’t help you in looking forward to the whole potty training process!