Use these brightly cute teacher appreciation free printable tags to let those serving in primary know how much you value their service! An additional printable included without the “in primary” at the bottom, so you can give this gift to anyone you would like to say thank-you to in a fun little way.
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Hi! I wanted to share a fun colorful printable to help you say thank-you! It’s a simple idea, but a thoughtful one that will hopefully bring a little joy to their day!
I originally designed these LifeSaver thank-you gift tags to give to members in our congregation who volunteer to sub in the children’s church classes on Sunday. We have assigned primary (children ages 18 months to 11 years old) teachers but it seems like every week we are scrambling for subs to help fill in for a teacher or two.
Thankfully there are many who come to the rescue and volunteer to serve. To show our immense appreciation for these stellar substitute teachers, we wanted to give them a little something to say thank-you!
I paired the LifeSaver gift tags with LifeSavers, of course! I made a large cache of them that we keep in out primary closet at church. So now whenever we have someone filling in for one of our teachers, we can easily grab a lifesaver thank-you gift to hand to one of our subs.
Oh and if you’re curious, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you would like to learn more about Jesus Christ, just click on the link! 🙂

Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Tags
Most likely, many of you aren’t in the same predicament as I am of finding primary teachers, but I’m sure ya’ll have opportunities to say thank-you! So I designed a second version of this gift tag to read “Thank You for being a real Life Saver” that you can also grab for free (link below!).
So whether you want to say thank-you to an inspiring school teacher, an uplifting church leader, or maybe even a coworker who really helped you out, this is a super simple way to say thanks in a creative meaningful way!

LifeSaver Thank-You Gift Tag Supplies
- “Thank-You for being a real Life Saver” printable tags (link below!)
- Cardstock
- Scissors or paper cutter
- Small clear cellophane baggies
- LifeSavers Mints or LifeSavers Candies individually wrapped
- Double sided tape

Assembling the Printable LifeSaver Tags
The assembly of these LifeSaver thank-you tags is super simple and will only take a few minutes.
Print out the LifeSaver printable tags on white cardstock and cut out using a paper cutter or scissors. Then use a piece of double sided tape to attach the thank-you tags to the little baggies. It’s a lot easier to stick the tags on a flat unfilled baggie than after you fill it up with candy, so take note of that! After the LifeSaver gift tag is on, fill the baggie with several individually wrapped LifeSavers and seal up the bag.
Vualá! Your little thank-you to a teacher, primary substitute, the mailman, or whoever is complete!

LifeSaver Free Printable Gift Tags Download
Just click on the link to download and then navigate to your downloads folder on your computer. The free printable Lifesaver tags will be in a zip folder, so just double click on the file to open it. Both versions of the lifeSaver tags will be included. The one that says “Thank-You for being a real LifeSaver in primary” and the other which doesn’t include the last two words, so just says “Thank-You for being a real LifeSaver”.
The LifeSaver thank-you gift tags print 9 per page and measure 2.5×2.5 inches. For best finish, be sure to print them on cardstock but regular printer paper will work in a pinch too!
< Click here to grab the Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Tags >
All designs are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.
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