Whether it’s for the Big Game or a football themed party for the kids, these creatively delicious Football Party Food Ideas are sure to be a touchdown! Several FREE football printables included to help you get started!
Post contains a few helpful affiliate links for your convenience.

Fall is right around the corner which means the football season is about to begin! Although I’m not a big into watching football, I do appreciate the reason that it brings people and good food together is to celebrate!
This particular football party food spread wasn’t actually for a football game but for a friend’s baby shower. She was expecting her first baby boy and her husband is a HUGE San Francisco Giants fan. So I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to throw her a football themed baby shower!

Football Party Food Ideas
I was living and breathing football the whole month leading up to the event! There are so many different ways to decorate, but here are the ones I went with. Hopefully they will help inspire you!
This really adds to the football feel and is super easy to make! Unless you aren’t a fan of measuring, then you’ll want to grab someone else to do that for you. I usually recruit my husband when it comes to such tasks because I’m always paranoid that my numbers will be off.

Supplies needed:
- green felt
– length depending on the size of your table, I went with the color kelly green
- measuring tape
- white electrical tape
- scissors
Cut your felt fabric to the desired size (I had mine a little over the side of the table). Then measure equal distance between the tape, doing a long tape all away across and then a short one. It helps to have someone on the other side when you place the long piece of tape down. I spaced my tape out about 4.25 inches apart if that helps! Oh and you can always add numbers if you would like to the yard lines. I took the simpler route.

I originally was planning to construct a sketch of a football play as the backdrop for the food table, but then decided to use that in our football photo backdrop instead. (It’s still a great idea for a food party table setting, so click on the link if you want to see how to make it!)
As an alternative, I designed this fun football scoreboard incorporating a few stats of baby’s arrival; gender, how far along, etc but this could easily be customized for any type of event.
Back at our Christmas Party, I had made a similar sized chalkboard sign and had it printed on cardstock.
$50 dollars later…
Ya, it was spendy! Since then, I have learned that I can get the same size design printed on blueprint paper at a fraction of the cost (like $5). And as you can see the result still looks pretty dang good!
If you are loving the football scoreboard sign, be sure to click on the link to head over to my shop so I can customize one for your event! Oh and if you need this for a different sport, just let me know and I will swap out the footballs for whatever sport you want.

Fun printable labels and tags can easily spice up any party food table and be a great way to incorporate the theme. And as you can see, I went to town designing printables for this party!
The food labels I patterned after my previously designed football baby shower game. I thought the added football lingo above each food item was a subtle touch.
>> Be sure to grab the editable football food labels in my shop!

Since this was a baby shower, I needed to personalize the football theme by sprinkling a bit of “baby” throughout. So with the use of a few yellow straws and glue, I constructed this tiny goal post and attached my miniature “boy” banner with the help of bakers twine
And let’s not forget the little converse! People can’t help but “ooo” and “ahhh” over baby shoes!
I thought I was set with that design but my chalkboard scoreboard was feeling a little disconnected from the food table. It needed to include more of the chalkboard finish somehow. My cupcakes were also little lack luster until I found these awesome football cupcake liners but they needed something for the top.
So I hopped back onto my computer and came up with these mini pennant flags. Paired with the wood sticks, these mini flags were the perfect finishing touch to the cupcakes and incorporated the chalkboard design beautifully! You can download my mini football flags for FREE by clicking over to this post.

I also decided to create the “penalty flag” and “water break” sign in the same chalkboard design. These signs helped tie in the football plates I had found as well as bring some more needed black into a few more spots and they looked great against the gray of the buckets.
And to help you get started with your football party food table, I’m giving both signs to you for free! Just click HERE to download the file. You’re welcome!

Party Food Menu
Lots of finger food snacks at this party! With a few extra special touches of “football” without going overboard. Like at my sister’s wedding reception when they wanted to incorporate her wedding colors into the food and served purple breaded sandwiches…
Yea that was weird.
Deviled eggs can quickly be dressed in the football theme by adding a few pieces of green onions on top to make the football lacing.

I had been planning to do that with the dill ranch dip (which is AMAZING! I’ll have to post the recipe soon) as well. I served the dip in a football shaped bread bowl that I had scooped out the inside of. But somehow amongst all the craziness of putting everything together, I totally spaced that detail. Oh well.

I loved using this 3 tier tray to give our football party food table some added height and it’s a great way to display the food!
Got to love little smokies!

You can get really creative with your football party food ideas! I was planning on making chocolate cupcakes and frost the top with brown icing forming it into a football shape. Which is super cute. But I decided to keep the cupcakes neutral in their design to let the liners and flags do all the talking.
Instead, I focused my football shaping on the sugar cookies and brownies. The brownies are easily transformed into a footballs. All you need to do is bake a batch of your favorite brownies and use a football cookie cutters to cut out the shape and use a little white icing for the lacing. You will be left with a few brownie scrapes, but if you have littles at your house, I am sure they will be happy to dispose of the pieces for you!

For the sugar cookies, I knew I wanted that perfectly smooth finished icing look on my cookies. And thankfully for my son’s baptism, I discovered this AMAZING icing recipe that does just that and actually tastes good and doesn’t get rock hard.
Delicious and looks fabulous?! Can’t beat that!

And there you have it! Pretty simple just looking at it, makes me wonder why it seemed to take forever! No doubt it was due to designing all the printables- thankfully you can just skip that step by using mine! 🙂 Oh and here is the link to the football play concessions banner in case you need it too.
Be sure to download your free “water break” and “penalty flag” signs by clicking HERE if you haven’t already.
So how about you? Will you be using any of these football party food ideas for your own football shindig this fall?
Did you find this post helpful? Then be sure to save THIS PIN to your All things Football board!

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