Make the most of the autumn season with these fabulous fall bucket list ideas that will create memories to last a lifetime! Included is a fall bucket list printable to help you keep track of all the fun things you hope to experience during this glorious time of year!

Ah autumn! The beautiful bold colors of the crisp leaves, the pumpkin spice in the air, and the softness of a cozy sweater. There is so much to love about the this magical time of year and so many fun fall activities!
What better way to make the most of the months of September, October, and November than by creating a fall bucket list.
What is a fall bucket list?
When people think of “bucket lists” they often think of things they want to accomplish in the span of their entire life. A fall bucket list contains all the activities or enjoyments one wishes to experience over the course of the season. Does your family always visit a pumpkin patch during the autumn months? Does it not feel like fall until you have whipped up a batch white chocolate pumpkin cookies? Those are things to add to your autumn bucket list!
Why create a fall bucket list?
A fall bucket list is a superb way to keep track of experiences you would like to enjoy during the autumn months. Sometimes we get so occupied with the day to day tasks that we miss out on opportunities to relish in the simple joys of life. The fall is full of amusing activities and if they are on your bucket list, it will help give you the push to say yes even if you feel too busy. It’s all about embracing the moments and making the most of them, especially when it comes to making them with your loved ones.

How do you make a fall bucket list?
Creating a fall bucket list is super enjoyable to do! Basically all you do is compile a list of all the fall themed activities you would like to savor during the season. You can write this solo, with a friend or ask the whole family for their input.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself (and family) when constructing a fall bucket list that is totally tailored to you.
What things go with fall? Think of those things and start jotting them down. Those items/activities should be first on your bucket list. Think back to the carefree days of your childhood to see if there are experiences you would like to re-create with your own children.
What are my interests? Just because everyone else likes pumpkin spice almost to an obsession, doesn’t mean you have to burn pumpkin scented candles if you aren’t a fan of the smell. Think about what you enjoy about the fall season and write those pleasures down.
Do I need to plan everything out? Before you know it, it will be time to deck the halls for Christmas! So it is definitely helpful to mark on the calendar some of those bigger excursions that need a little planning. This also helps get everyone excited for the upcoming activity.
For the random small pleasures and enjoyments that don’t take much prep, just be sure to visit your fall bucket list every so often to remind you whenever you have free time to devote that time to experiencing a bit of the fall season.
Don’t think of it as a to-do list!
Please don’t stress yourself out by thinking you need to accomplish each and every item on your list! This is not a checklist of things you must get done. Think of it more as a list of fun fall activities that you can turn to when you are in need of some focus in your autumn season planning. You could even view it as more of a “I’m bored” list with ideas you can pick from when needed.
Can I be flexible with this? Of course! Everything doesn’t always go as planned, that’s life! Sometimes it helps to just get the ball rolling in the direction you want and then go with the flow! Many of the items you put on your bucket list have to be planned in advance and others don’t. If one falls through, just pick a simiplier one!
Do you have a cute fall bucket list printable for me? I do indeed! I created a fall bucket list template just for you! It’s at the end of this post, so just scroll to the bottom and click on the link to grab your free printable. Then start filling up your list with fabulous fall activities!

69+ Fun Fall Bucket List Ideas
To jumpstart your fall bucket list brainstorming session, I’ve compiled an extensive list of fall activities and pleasures to enjoy during. They are divided up in the following sections:
- Outdoor Autumn Bucket Activities
- Indoor Fall Bucket List Ideas
- Delicious Fall Food
- Spooktacular Halloween Activities
- Thanksgiving Inspired Activities
- FREE Fall Bucket List Printable
Like I said this list is rather long, so don’t feel like you need to included every single one in your bucket list. Write down your favorites and leave the rest behind. This is YOUR bucket list after all, so customize it to your hearts delight.
Outdoor Autumn Activities
1. Get Lost in a Corn Maze
2. Go Apple Picking
3. Have a Picnic under a Colorful Tree
4. Visit a Pumpkin Patch
5. Take a drive to see the Fall Foliage
6. Have a Bonfire & Roast Marshmallows
7. Attend a Local Fall Festival
8. Hop on a Hayride
9. Go Camping
10. Take Family Photos
11. Rake your Neighbor’s Leaves
12. Attend the School’s Fall Carnival
13. Make Leaf Art
14. Enter a 5K
15. Build a Scarecrow
16. Go Hiking at a State or National Park
17. Play Donuts on a String Game
18. Visit a Farmer’s Market
19. Decorate your Porch
20. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
21. Rake up a Pile of Leaves and Jump in it!
22. Go for a Bike Ride
23. Attend a Hometown Football Game
24. Press Leaves or Flowers

Indoor Fall Bucket List Ideas
25. Have a Pumpkin Food Night (every dish has pumpkin in it!)
26. Light a Fall-Scented Candle
27. Make Leaf Rubbings
28. Have an Apple Food Night (every dish has apples in it!)
29. Carve or Paint a Pumpkin
30. Start a Gratitude Journal
31. Bake pumpkin goodies for a friend
32. Host a Chili Cook-off
33. Decorate for Fall
34. Create a Fall Playlist
35. Make a Fall Wreath
36. Send a Thank-You Note
37. Wear Flannel
38. Simmer Stovetop Potpourri
39. Download Free Fall Art to Decorate with
40. Learn to Crochet
41. Wear Fuzzy Socks
42. Curl up on the Couch with a Good Book
43. Make a Fall Craft
44. Host a Pie Bake-Off
45. Get some early Holiday shopping done

Delicious Fall Food
46. Eat Apple Pie
47. Make Jam
48. Bake Pumpkin Treats
49. Enjoy an Apple Cider Donut (my absolute favorite donuts!)
50. Sip Hot Cocoa
51. Eat Kettle Corn
52. Try a New Soup Recipe
53. Make a Big Pot of Chili
54. Roast Pumpkin See
55. Enjoy a Caramel Apple
57. Make Trail Mix
58. Drink Apple Cider
59. Make a New Fall Recipe
60. Eat Candy Corn (my favorite is the candy corn little pumpkins)
61. Make a recipe using Sweet Potatoes
62. Bake a Pie
63. Make Pumpkin Pancakes

Spooktacular Halloween Activities
64. Create a Halloween Costume
65. Make a “Boo Basket” for a Neighbor
66. Visit a Haunted House
67. Make a Halloween Craft
68. Bob for Apples
69. Go on a Ghost Tour
70. Watch a scary movie
71. Throw a Halloween Party
72. Tell Scary Stories around a Campfire
73. Learn the Thriller Dance
74. Get Halloween Themed Pajamas for the family
75. Explore a Cemetery
76. Wear a Costume
77. Dress up your pet for Halloween
78. Go Trick-or-Treating
79. Give out Halloween Costume Awards

Thanksgiving Inspired Activities
81. Donate to a Food Pantry
82. Host a Thanksgiving Party for kids
83. Make Handprint Turkeys
84. Run in a Turkey Trot
85. Throw a Friendsgiving Bash
86. Watch the Macy’s Day Parade
87. Learn about the Pilgrims
88. Make a Thankful Jar or Tree
90. Make an apple turkey craft
91. Shop on Black Friday
92. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen
93. Play a game of touch football
94. Eat Turkey

FREE Fall Bucket List Printable
Now that you are loaded with tons of ideas for your fall bucket list, grab the printable below so you can start writing them all down! There are two templates included. One is a prefilled bucket list of my family’s favorites that you can use and the other is a blank template so that you customize it with your own personal fun-filled fall activities and pleasures.
Just click on the link below to download your autumn bucket list template. Then navigate to your downloads folder and double click on the file to unzip it. Now all you have to do is print it and then start planning! Have fun!
< download the Fall Bucket List here >
All designs are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not forward, share, sell or re-distribute the file. Ownership and copyright over all designs & graphics contained in the files are property of AspenJay.
Hope you find this template helpful in kicking off the autumn season! Before you go, be sure to answer this question in the comments below:
So what is on your autumn bucket list?
Did you find this post helpful? Then be sure to save A PIN to your Fall themed board!
If you would prefer to type directly onto the pdf file and would like a larger size, be sure to get my EDITABLE fall bucket list template in my shop.

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