Spring is finally here! We did not have a single trace of snow! Despite warmer weather, we all had a turn of sickness. My husband started us out with a bad cold and then poor Boston had his first fever. It came on suddenly, as he had been fine before his nap and then was crying when he woke up. Shortly after, he threw up and spent the rest of the day lying down. Not to be bad… but it was nice to have a mellow version of the kid for a little while. The next day, he was up and about as usual. Two days later, I started feeling ill and also came down with a fever. Thankfully my husband was kind enough to work from home on Friday to watch the boys so I could sleep. We are all doing better although small colds have lingered.
Tennessee had his first encounter with a pacifier this week. Boston never had one, for I was his human pacifier. He enjoyed nursing whenever he was out of sorts, scared, or tired. Tennessee is a different story. He only nurses well when he is hungry. Otherwise he takes a few swallows, gets off, grows angry, tries to get back on, then gets off, only to make me angry and it goes on. He will often go to sleep on his own or by rocking but once and awhile he does like to suck, he just doesn’t want anything to come out! Hence why I decided to use the pacifier- for his enjoyment and my sanity!
Boston loves to play on our iphones. Although not a pro at handling all the features, he recently figured out how to find and open Netflix (which is in a folder) and then start a show. Ah, my little movie addict.
Another week of firsts, Tennessee had his first bath this week. Don’t worry he had a few sponge baths before but just not a bath for his belly button was not yet closed. He wasn’t a fan, but he sure smelled good afterwards! This baby sweats like a pig! Which saying really doesn’t make any sense because pigs do not sweat… owell, you get the idea.
I was just getting the hang of having two children and then sickness struck and wiped me out (but hey I am grateful I didn’t land a cause of mastitis!)… owell time to start again!
Tennessee is such a cute kid, looking super cute at peace sleeping with pacifier. But then so is Boston, getting his first lessons in mobile phone, different apps.