Little Tennessee is 9 months old! It is hard remembering life without him. He is such a funny little man and follows my husband around like a loyal puppy dog. He started saying “mama” whenever he is sad or wants something. His front curls (which I loved) were getting a bit out of control, so I had to take the scissors to them this morning.
We all have forgotten what a good night sleep feels like. The baby wakes up wailing (night terrors perhaps?) in the night, which arouses Boston who immediately begins screaming and it then takes both my husband me to console each child. We pretty much have this routine down pat, as it is repeated two to three times a night. Owell…thank goodness for nap time!
As you can tell, Boston was not a big fan of taking the insides out of the pumpkin.
Boston + Timeouts = fits of endless yelling. So we have changed our method a bit by putting his cars and trains in timeout instead of him. So far it has been working… better anyways. If you have any techniques that have proved useful, please share! Your advice is very much appreciated!
Nothing like a walk on a beautiful cold crisp autumn day. Sorry my thoughts and descriptions are a bit sporadic, but that just helps you get a better feel how life is at our house. (o:
Boston’s first painting project… it lasted about 3 minutes and then he said he was done.
My dear neighbor (we call her ‘Granny’) gave me this adorable Thanksgiving basket. She is quite the artist, in fact she made the cute little turkeys herself! Talk about detail! Speaking of Thanksgiving… can you believe it is one week away?! CRAZY! Then it will be time to decorate for Christmas! Unless you just couldn’t wait and already have begun trimming your tree like my sister. She blames it on the holiday carols that were playing on the radio before Halloween. (o; When do you set out your Christmas decorations?
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
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