Our little Tennessee is 5 weeks old! He weighs about 10 lbs. and has graduated to size 1 diapers. He is overly anxious to get moving so enjoys tummy time for a longer stretch than Boston ever did and is already sporting a strong neck. He is reserved in the smiles he gives but when he does, they sure are cute! I am a big fan of his little bum chin and his dimples!
Boston is adjusting well to the change of a new addition and less mommy time but he still gets angry about it sometimes. He may be contently quiet in bed but if he hears Tennessee crying in the other room, he will immediately begin whining. He sees how we attend to the baby right away when he fusses, so why not him? Thankfully Boston plays well by himself for small portions of the day and as long as I am talking and interacting with him, he doesn’t mind so much that I am not hands on. When the baby takes a catnap, I try to spend that time fully immersed in whatever it is Boston wants to do, which usually consists of him picking out cars and trains for me to draw for him.
Although jealous of him once and awhile, Boston really loves his baby brother and insists on giving him kisses throughout the day. While Tennessee was enjoying his tummy time, Boston brought a few cars for them both to enjoy. As you can see, Tennessee loves his older brother.
This baby isn’t one that will nurse and then go to sleep, if he ever does it is very light sleep at that. He prefers being held and lightly patted or …. being serenaded by my husband on the guitar. This usually works when nothing else will.
We are all doing well except for the lack of sleep which my husband may be getting sick from (thankful for Saturday and Sunday afternoon naps!). Baby and I have yet to go out much, but he is only 5 weeks old.
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